Ellenell Ltd

Ellenell Limited

The Modern Slavery Act

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 was introduced with the purpose of targeting offences related to slavery and human trafficking. As such, provisions in the Act make transparency in the supply chain a requirement for any commercial organisation supplying goods or services in the UK.

Anti-Slavery Statement

Ellenell Limited fully supports the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Company name is a leading promotional business providing services to its customers via directly employed full and part time staff and a UK based contractor network

The Ellenell Limited supply chain includes the sourcing/supply/import/export of promotional merchandise/products used in promotional marketing and customisation.

Our business, Ellenell Limited carries out thorough due diligence on all major supply chain partners and will - for any new major contractor or supplier - take steps to ensure confirmation of their compliance with the Act.



Ellenell Limited is committed to driving out acts of modern-day slavery and human trafficking within its business and that from within its supply chains, including sub-contractors, and partners.

The Company acknowledges responsibility to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and will ensure transparency within the organisation and with suppliers of goods and services to the organisation. These as well as the suppliers of services make up the supply chain within Company name.

As part of the companies due diligence processes into slavery and human trafficking the supplier approval process will incorporate a review of the controls undertaken by the supplier. Imported goods from sources from outside the UK and EU are potentially more at risk for slavery/human trafficking issues. The level of management control required for these sources will be continually monitored.

The company will not support or deal with any business knowingly involved in slavery or human trafficking.

The company Directors and senior management shall take responsibility for implementing this policy statement and its objectives and shall provide adequate resources (training, etc.) and investment to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within the organisation and within its supply chains.

A copy of this policy and a copy of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 will be accessible to all employees electronically and can be obtained from the HR department upon request.

This policy statement will be reviewed annually and published.

Statement reviewed on 11th May 2022.

Louis Tsioupra

Managing Director

Ellenell Limited

Product Search
Clothing and Textiles
Conference and Exhibition
Desk Accessories
Diaries and Calendars
Glassware and Awards
Health and Wellbeing
Leather and PU Goods
Lifestyle and Leisure
Pens and Writing
Promotional Giveaways